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Endocrinology Services

At Life Coast Health, we specialize in managing hormonal conditions that affect your health and well-being. Our Endocrinology services provide expert care for a range of conditions, including diabetes, thyroid disorders, and other hormone-related issues. Our specialists work closely with you to create a personalized treatment plan, ensuring that your hormonal health is carefully managed for a better quality of life.

Specialized care for hormonal conditions, including diabetes and thyroid disorders.

Personalized treatment plans to manage hormone-related issues.

Focus on improving overall health and well-being through expert care.

Dedicated support for managing long-term endocrine conditions.

doctor explaining endocrinology

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Primary Care

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Family Behavioral Health

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Dental Care

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Women’s Health


Mariam Menhem, MD


Mariam Menhem, MD

Amanda Lucas, NP


Amanda Lucas, NP

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Thibodaux: 985-492-6170
Houma: 985-360-3755

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At Life Coast Health, we believe that everyone deserves access to high-quality care, no matter their background or financial situation.

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Site Links

Thibodaux Location

1101 Audubon Ave, Suite S-1, Thibodaux, LA 70301

Phone: 985-492-6170

Houma Location

605 Enterprise Drive, Suite C,  Houma, LA 70360

Phone: 985-360-3755

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